Chinese may fail COVID-19 immunity after vaccination administration slows down

Chinese may fail COVID-19 immunity after vaccination administration slows down

The Chinese government has been accused of lacking in its vaccine administration. Many citizens have a nonchalant attitude in accepting vaccines which will affect the Asian nation.

Chinese jab administration declines 

The Chinese government may fail the 'immunity gap' after efforts on getting a national vaccine slowed down. In the small town of Shenzhen, there is a COVID-19 facility that administers jabs, however, these weeks only witness a few people coming for administration. 

There are no long queues like before, and only one nurse is seen there. Research shows that just 5% of the Chinese people were vaccinated at the end of February, the health officials have lamented. The health ministry in the country aims to vaccinate at least 45% of the entire population by June end. 

This would imply that vaccinated 590 million people before the country would be able to achieve herd immunity. However, this doesn't seem to be possible again as both the government and citizens have remained lax in doling out jabs. Unless this is achieved, lockdown restrictions in many cities remain difficult to lift to avoid the third wave. 

Unless China increases vaccination, there will be problems - medical expert 

Early vaccines have been hailed in China after the first infection happened in November 2019, which has left a huge population at risk. '' Chinese citizens remain averse to COVID-19 and other people are already having antibodies unless China steps up its vaccination administration, they could be in a dangerous position.

'' Jin Dongyan, a lecturer of biomedical sciences, said. '' I remain skeptical that they can get the rate they want to achieve as there isn't a clear plan to do so. ''  

Zhang Wenhong, a doctor in a hospital in Beijing said that it is a major concern for all health officials about the slow rate of vaccination because they are front-line workers.

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